September 16, 2024

When Will Healthcare Become Virtually Free Shortly Worldwide

2 min read
Andromeda News

Andromeda News

Recent studies have helped to find out that medicine will become almost free in the near future thanks to artificial intelligence involved in the field of medicine.

When Will Healthcare Become Virtually Free Shortly Worldwide.
Which do you choose: paid or free anesthesia? Meme

Venture business pioneer Tim Draper gave a forecast for the development of artificial intelligence technologies and digital health systems. The investor stated that new technologies simplify the development of effective drugs and speed up the diagnosis of diseases, and robots are already being used in surgical operations. The machines work for free, and their maintenance is cheaper than the maintenance of doctors and laboratories. The combination of these factors will lead to a drop in the cost of any medical services.

“Healthcare is going completely digital. This will lead to the creation of almost free healthcare around the world, ”

The investor said

The coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated this process. Now people are afraid to visit hospitals because of the danger of infection and are increasingly choosing telemedicine. And large companies that see demand are restructuring for a new work format and investing in the development of new generation medical technologies.

Technology is helping to create “really good AI doctors.”

Last year, CloudMedx’s algorithms took part in a revamped US medical license exam, CNBC reported. The tests took place in several stages and showed that AI consistently outperforms doctors and works even better in tandem with humans. On a 100-question test, doctors scored an average of 75, AI 85, and cooperative work scored 91.

“You start to combine this information with other data – your genetic history, your blood test results, your Fitbit results, the seat on the plane you were on, the food you ate – all this data is available, and it becomes the basis for a really good doctor. due to artificial intelligence “

Explained the head of Draper Associates

Draper concluded by reiterating the words about affordable medicine and adding that in the past few years the costs have been too high, but now there is a way to make the healthcare system much cheaper.