September 16, 2024

ThirdEye Introduces Mixed Reality Glasses For The Mass Market

2 min read
Andromeda News

Andromeda News

The American company ThirdEye Gen has announced its first consumer gadget – the mixed reality glasses The Razor MR. The device comes in a small package, weighs 85 grams, and supports over 100 augmented reality applications. According to the developers, the owners of Razor MR will have access to several “meta-universes” at once, and in everyday’s life, the system will be helpful not only for entertainment but also for more important tasks such as communicating with doctors, assessing real estate, and navigating large cities.

ThirdEye Introduces Mixed Reality Glasses For The Mass Market

According to SiliconAngle, the Razor MR is based on the corporate version of the first glasses from ThirdEye. Their target audience remains rescuers, architects, and employees of large industrial corporations. With the new model, ThirdEye decided to significantly expand the audience of potential customers, so the developers have completely revised the set of basic functionalities and services. Moreover, the company claims to have gotten rid of one of the main disadvantages of AR / VR devices – the need to wear multiple pairs of glasses for users with low vision.

“At Razor MR, we wanted to meet a wide variety of needs. These glasses allow nearsighted users to adjust the lenses from 0 to -5 diopters with a single turn of the knob on the side of the case. You no longer need to stack multiple glasses on top of each other – as was necessary with solutions in the field of virtual reality, ”

Said the founder and CEO of ThirdEye Nick Cherukuri

The ThirdEye mixed reality system works by superimposing virtual holograms on real objects around the user. To do this, the company uses cameras in combination with algorithms and specialized software.

Among the existing applications for MR glasses, support for RemoteEye and Telehealth RespondEye is announced. The first service allows you to broadcast the environment around the user to other devices and mark the surrounding objects. ThirdEye believes that this feature will come in handy during the renovation process and in the appraisal of real estate. Telehealth RespondEye, on the other hand, is a telemedicine platform that allows doctors to examine their patients without leaving their homes. In addition, the Razor MR also supports social media, games, and video viewing applications – in total, over 100 applications can be installed on the glasses.

In terms of specs, the screens in the Razor MR support 70Hz refresh rates, dual microphones, and a 43-degree field of view, which the company claims is comparable to a 120-inch TV. In standalone mode, the glasses can work up to eight hours, and support for HDMI, USB Type-C, and DisplayPort (DP) ports allows you to connect smartphones, tablets, and computers to the device. The Razor MR themselves are running Android 9.0.

Razor MR glasses have already gone into series production, ThirdEye is accepting pre-orders, they should be on sale in the second half of 2022. The retail cost of glasses is still unknown.