September 16, 2024

How to Trade NFT Having no NFT or Game Marketplaces Trading

1 min read
Andromeda News

Andromeda News

How to trade NFT without NFT? Let’s see, it’s all from the “sell me this pen” series. If you cannot sell a drawing and you do not have an audience who can order a commission, then you should not meddle here, in addition to this, people must either pay a fee for joining the “NFT club”, or pay for placing the lot at an auction, or get into a closed club.

This is a sad destiny of modern society, a dystopia. And no matter how much we hate this, we accept the conditions of the game, because we cannot dictate our own rules.

How do I trade pixels from the screen?

To sell something unnecessary, you need to buy something unnecessary. But we have no money.


So yeah, basically you should have “printing machine” or buy something to sell. It’s simple and dumb, I know.

How to Trade NFT Having no NFT or Game Marketplaces Trading

How to get rich selling digital junk?

How to Trade NFT Having no NFT or Game Marketplaces Trading

It all depends on demand. You cannot sell what no one wants, even if it is a very useful and necessary thing. People only need entertainment, money, they do not even worry about the fact that they will die at the end of their journey. So if you want to sell something, then it must be something that people want to buy.